Critical Thinking When It is Biased and Distorted

When we think clearly and rationally about everything, without being biased, uninformed, or prejudiced, then it is critical thinking. We all know that the mind itself is never quiet even distorted, sometimes. Once it is clear, it can engage in a more reflective and independent thinking. It can also reason to the highest level of quality.

People with this ability attempt to live this life rationally, empathically and reasonably. They can analyse, assess and improve any reasoning to identify any thought’s purpose, as well as question at issue, inferences, assumptions, implications, information, and point of view.

Most people with critical thinking are often to understand the logical connections between ideas. They can also solve problems systematically. In addition to that, detecting inconsistencies in possible reasoning of theirs is also one of their traits in developing their critical thinking. They also tend to find relevance before suggesting an idea. Most of the time, they appear to be quiet, while actually, their mind gets occupied with a lot of thinkings.

What makes a person a good critical thinker? The one with good memories or higher intelligence?

A good critical thinker is the one who knows how to make use of his information in order to solve problems, seeks relevant sources of information in order to inform himself and concludes consequences from what he knows.

In professional life, the one with critical thinking shouldn’t be more vocal or always up for any arguments. It shouldn’t be confused with being argumentative in the first place too. The quietest one with critical thinking knows when to speak. They won’t bother asking if not for giving more information to their thinking. Basically, they can enhance work processes.

Last, critical thinking is sometimes referred as out-of-the-box thinking, which is also a part of creativity.

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