Big Bad Wolf 2016

Wohoooo finally! The so-long waited. The biggest Book Fair ever held in Jakarta, I mean where they sell imported books. 

Big Bad Wolf is the EO for this site, Book Xcess Online I have been following them since last December. And now it is happening. 

So I got a vip ticket for the day before the opening and that was on Friday. This ticket is limited edition. After holding a farewell party for Adel, that Friday night Hana and I went directly to ICE BSD where they hold the book fair. And it was almost empty. I enjoyed strolling, finding some books that have been on my list. I looked for any Haruki Murakami books, and found none. Feel sad about how limited their collection of fiction works :'( 

But I managed to buy only 3 books since I have no cash left. They cannot accept any debit payment for BCA or other banks. The next day I went to the book fair again with my brother and had successfully spent almost 600 thousands Rupiahs for  12 books! That is too affordable! 

Sadly on my second visit the site was crowded with a lot of people. I met some high school friends and exchanged some recommendations about some genres of books. Oh, I ran out of batteries because I looked through Goodreads for certain books, to check their writings. As my Tumblr friend, who is also Malay, she gave me an advice about looking for certain books at BBW:

She said that I should take time when finding books because to make sure the books is good, you need to read a bit of it. That is why this book fair is held for a week! How cool is that?! 

I asked some employees there whether they are going to add more collections to their list, but sadly they said that the books here are all we've got. I also asked about some popular author works like Neil Geiman, J. K. Rowling, Haruki Murakami, and Agatha Christie, they said they don't have any of their works. :'(

At least I've got some of these books in the most affordable price:

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