While You Were Away...

Minal aidin wal faidzin... I find myself tired with broadcast messages telling the sender how guilty they are. Yet, they broadcast it. It means they do not purely write it. They might just copy and then paste it form other sources. So, what is the meaning of forgiving then? It is better if you don't have to ask for apologizing. Deep inside, we know we are guilty. We also know some people who once had guilt towards us. But you are less than a good person if you keep anger inside of you for a long time and wait for the Eid to forgive them all. Grow up. If they do bad to you, just let them go. Forgive them immediately. And then leave. They are not worth your time, your presence. If you think they would do bad or offend you with their corny jokes, just leave. It is for your own good. Walking alone or having no friend at all is much better than having them in your life. Just stick with some people that you think having the same vibes as you. :) 

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