To the Beach! Part II

We spent Eid's holidays to Anyer beach. It was on July 20. Great times, like ever. Spending time with your big family is always fun, right? But the journey to our first destination: Pesona Krakatau cottage (where we always spend time at) was tiring. We got stuck on traffic jam for hours. Like we were ready at 6 am in the morning and still could not be nearer to our first destination after almost 10 hours on car. It was hell. But then we changed our plan and rent a cottage at Siyoni Sea Side Cottage instead. It turned out good. Not as good as Pesona Krakatau cottage, but just fine. There are pool, cafe, basketball and tennis courts, a lot of bungalows in premium condition, and of course, the beach view! 

Family means ohana! The only place where you feel loved :)

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