Jane Austen's Works Sucker!

So I finally have my book order arrived safely! I ordered Mansfield Park from The Book Depository and have waited impatiently until it landed safely yesterday. This book is in Clothbound series of Penguin classic publishing, so it is normal for bragging it, don't you think?

I am waiting for The Woman in White to be the first gothic classic work on my shelf, in this series too.

I also want to write some things that have been on my mind since the very beginning of July. It is about my career. I have always dreamt about having a job related to reading and writing. Copy Editor is the best one, right? I would get many chances to write and then proofread. And I've got some callbacks from some reputable companies. I was so happy. But the thing is, I am still tied to the contract with SIB School. Sooooooooooooooooo sad that I need to be such a well-abiding person. So sad. I really am. But then there is this man telling me about me 'has been successfully coming through another phase' as I am no longer to be so sorrowful in romance area. This man also says that I am ready to welcome another higher level of job interviews in the future. Because he also adds that I already have the qualities. Oh, I am so in love with him. His words are always comforting. <3 I think that is the only quality which distinguish you with him. To only speak about positive and kind things are the only reason for you to open your mouth. If you cannot say so, being silent is worth thousands of galleons. 

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