The Blackstone Key Review

So this is The Blackstone Key review that I just had time to post it. I copied it from my goodreads' account, so that is why it took me some minutes after adding some other lines to finish it off. But, here is the review. There would never be any spoiler. Well, only a little.You need (not) to worry.

Read from August 10 to December 19, 2014

The Blackstone Key by Rose Melikan

What a slow-paced story...

I kind of understand that this is actually her debut novel, but this mystery book based in 18th century of England is just too slow to indulge. It was boring in the beginning, very laid back and somehow dissatisfying in resolution. However, I review this book by putting aside my 'sexist' side and thus, I find Mary Finch is a typical gothic heroine. She is brave for a young lady at the time. She gets curious at every little thing. A sweet young maiden but very bright and likeable young lady, Mary Finch is.

The exposition tells about the journey of Mary to see her long-lost uncle at his grand and luxurious estate, called White Ladies. Apparently her uncle has left her an inheritance. She will have the life of leisure that she longs for, especially after being an orphan for quite a long time. Along the way, she meets excitement which includes a carriage crash and an injured fellow who seems to have a connection with her uncle as he actually has the same design watch matched one her deceased father left her. She also found an interesting key and it does make her thinking it would become something suspicious as this stranger lay dying, he had whispered a cryptic warning to her. 

Overall, I don't recommend this book if you are looking for a fast moving, exciting read. It didn't leave anything after finished it. It didn't even hold my interest as I postponed finishing this book for quite a long time. But yeah, I cannot just let a book unfinished read. So I am glad to see it finish.

Maybe for testing out a mystery genre, this book is not recommended. Well, I hope I can indulge better when my package of Agatha Christie's books safely arrived. But I also beg it is not the sign of finding myself that hardly enjoy this genre. Ugh, please don't... 

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