How to Clean Cedar Shake Siding

You can learn how to clean cedar shake siding from this article. Check it out!

The cedar shake siding can improve the looks of most home. But did you know that over time some cedar shake can become dark and old-looking? So, when this happens it is probably the time to spruce up your siding and put the old vibrancy back into it. You can find two primary reasons for cedar shake to become dull and old-looking. The first one is mildew and the last one is tannin. By removing these two stains and restoring the original light and bright look to your cedar shakes, it involves two very different processes. The first thing you need to do is to determine the root cause of your problem. You can learn how to clean cedar shake siding down below.

You are going to need wood cleaner, garden hose with nozzle, bleach, liquid dish detergent, wood brightener, medium-hard nylon brush, gloves, eye goggles and protective clothing.

First, you need to determine the cause of your problem by testing a small part of your siding to determine exactly what type of staining problem you are dealing with--tannin or mildew. You can start by cleaning a small area. And then mix a commercial wood cleaner in a regular garden sprayer according to the manufacturer's directions and then you can spray the cleaner onto a small area of your cedar shakes starting at the top and working your way down. You should allow the cleaner to soak into the wood for 15 to 20 minutes.

Second, you need to gently scrub the test area with a medium-hard nylon bristle brush to work the wood cleaner in. After that, you need to wash the cleaner off using a garden hose with a spray nozzle. You should find that a power washer can be used, but do not spray on the highest power setting, as this could damage the shingles. Now you are done with cleaning the shingles in your test area. They are ready to be tested to determine the cause of their discoloration.

Third, when you test for mildew, you need to mix three quarts of water with one quart of household bleach and 1/2 cup of ammonia-free dish washing liquid in the garden sprayer. After that, you need to spray the test section of the cedar siding with the bleach and water mixture and allow it to soak into the test area for 15 minutes. Remember that there is no need to scrub the area.

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