Best Kind of Paint for Concrete

This article will discuss the best kind of paint for concrete.

It depends primarily on the type of concrete surface you want to paint. You can find stairs or a concrete floor require a different type paint than a concrete retaining wall, and garage floors also present special challenges. You can use several options include epoxies, concrete stain, oil-based and water-based concrete paints, and regular house paint. This article will provide you the best kind of paint for concrete for the job will ensure long-lasting performance.

First is by using the right paint for the surface. Your previously painted-concrete needs to be stripped of all loose or peeling paint before repainting. But if the current paint is oil-based, you can repaint it with an oil-based paint formulated for concrete. If you prefer water-based paint, it will not adhere well to oil-based paint. You can also find some concrete is too porous, cracked and degraded to take paint successfully. In order to add beauty and a small measure of protection for much less cost than resurfacing the concrete, you can consider concrete stain. It penetrates the surface, does not peel and adds color much like wood stain.

Second is the concrete floor. They take a beating of water-based concrete floor paints which are available, though they typically do not hold up well on floors that get much foot traffic. You can find a better choice, which is either oil-based concrete floor paint, or epoxy concrete paint. You can use epoxy, which is the most durable, but it is also more expensive and the hardest to apply. 

Third is the preparation. It is so usual to see of concrete walls and other architectural elements typically do not need any special preparation prior to painting. You simply make sure they are clean first. You can also find most quality interior and exterior water-based paints are formulated for use on masonry, including concrete, so you should check the label to be sure. Use the first coat that should be thinned with about one pint of water per gallon. Your thinned-down paint will penetrate the concrete better and allow for a better bond. Then you can apply one or two coats of undiluted paint over the first coat (two coats preferably for exterior application).

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