All the Bright Places A Few Pages in the Beginning Review

Look what's come to mail yesterday!

All the Bright Places from UK Penguin Books Publishing

So I ordered some of 'orders' for my Bookish Bookstore customers. I have like 3 orders of this book! I also added one as my collection! So yesterday I held 4 books of All the Bright Places by Jennifer Niven. And this post is meant to be an early review from a few pages of it that I've been reading on... And I honestly understand about the downside of YA books. Sometimes it is like reading some novels written by Wattpad infamous authors. That kind of feeling, you know, when you really don't get where this story would lead you to. But one thing I have got from these earlier pages is this book talks about suicide and the bereavement-kind-of-feeling. Deprivation feeling of losing someone who is still really important to you even she has already gone. I know exactly that kind of feeling. It also talks about suicide which is so common across South East Asia nations. But I think I don't really like the writing style. It is so much different with J. K. Rowling, whose writing style I adore after I finished reading The Casual Vacancy, not the Harry Potter series, instead. Kind of weird, I know. But yeah, I put this book as soon as I reached 40-something of pages and continue reading Moby-Dick instead. Sounds weird, huh?

I love this book. If only he didn't talk that much about whale industry, which I find hard to swallow!

But don't worry, it is not as bad as I Was Here, by Gayle Forman. So I would squeeze my time for a solid reading session, so I can get what people have talked about this book lately, the bright sides of it. Later!

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