Thesis Examination!

What is life actually?
All I know about it is full of surprise.

Even at this second I'm writing this post, I still could not realize how far I have managed living my life for almost 25 years. Since I was born, went to kindergarten, elementary, junior and senior high school, until now, at this very moment, I am about to face a new graduation thing. 

I would face a thesis examination soon! I could not be happier than I am today. In addition to having jolly stuff in my stomach, I feel scared too. It is a new thing. And it is not merely an examination. It is a big deal for me and my family. Whenever I write down 'family' I always have this teary moment 'cause all I want is to be the one to be proud of. To be the source of happiness. To be able to be called as 'the most' one of all. 

Now I have been checking my thesis for hours. Like I add some and then remove it down. Like I feel I am in the middle of readiness and unpreparedness. I cannot tell the position on which I am standing right now. :(: just like that emoji. I am in the middle of feeling happy and sad. Just confusing cause it is too abrupt. Unforeseen. Rapid decision to say 'yes' to my Dean when she points the date for me to hold responsible of my thesis, of what I believe, and of what I wrote there.

The feeling is indescribable. I guess all I can do is just face it. No matter how ready or not I am, that day would eventually come. Soon or later. I'd better give the best I could.

Oh Lord, 
For I am bestowed with good luck,
nothing I could ask than Your strength
Your strength
Your approval
for me to carry the opportunity
for my parents to be happy
and my siblings
smiling from ears to ears
Oh Lord,
give me your blessing

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