Gender is an Illusion

After compiling my thesis which talks about gender and sex partially, I have now come to a decision that gender is an illusion. What makes a person a woman depends on how she performs the personal traits run by society. Let's say a person is a boyish girl who have grown up with male dominance. Apart from her sex, which is entailed since she was born, her decision to create her gender is determined by the environment, or in this case is the male dominance which encircles her. This theory is perfected by Judith Butler, who comes with a new gender theory, Gender Performativity. 

To say a person is a woman (not female, it is for sex), is determined by his/her performances. If she tends to do masculine performances, then unconsciously she is on her way in creating her own gender; being a man. Although it is against her sex, but that is gender. It is learnt and socially structured. No one is born with gender. So it is agreeable to say gender is an illusion. 

I talk about this because of gender stereotypes believed and prevail in society these days. These stereotypes are not harmful until it limits one's sex in doing what this person with certain sex to do what she/he wants to do. For example is the stereotypes which limit women to work in engineering field. She is degraded to work domestically, or in this case is remotely where she must deal (only) with taking good care of her children and her body so she can be a perfect sex slave for her husband. This stereotype is just lowering women to the point where she cannot do anything else, but obey each trait attached to her. But if a woman is decided to take another route, or in this case is being a man as her gender, society will alienate her for living against the grain. There is no win win solution for women in the case of stereotyping. It is also because of these terms; gender-schematic and gender-aschematic. People with gender-schematic know that their genders are women or men. Then they perceive the notion of being a man and live it to the fullest. The risk of the way people with gender-schematic perceive and be consistent in living up their gender, with no doubt will influence other people who are floating in the middle of the ocean not knowing where to go. Then these influences will create these stereotypical towards gender attributes, or to put it simply, we can call it as gender stereotypes.

I'm waiting for the next class to teach. And I still have three hours more. What to do?

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