Some Useful Tricks that You Should Know!

Here are some useful tricks that you should know. They might help you get through some problems found in your house.

1. Using AAA Batteries for AA’s Slots

If you have TV or AC remotes which use AA batteries to operate, instead of wasting your time to get it on store, you can use AAA batteries as the replacement. You only have to prepare aluminum foil to fill the gap left from AAA batteries you use and your remote will be able to function properly even though you use the incorrect battery type.

Some Useful Tricks that You Should Know!

2. Using Aluminum Foil to Seal the Food Bags

This trick may have never been imagined before. But this one is indeed useful, recalling to how frequent we bought foods in plastic bags. Using only aluminum foil and an iron, we can seal the opened plastic bag by ironing the aluminum foil which covers the opened-side. Voila! Your food will be saved from the contamination.

Some Useful Tricks that You Should Know!

3. Fixing Scratch on LED Screen

Using only a rubber, any scratch on your LED screen can be fixed in almost no time. You only have to rub the eraser on the scratch for several times, and voila! The scratch will disappear in minutes.

Some Useful Tricks that You Should Know!

4. Using Hairspray to Get the Thread into Needle

This one may look easy, but this one may never cross your mind before. Using only hairspray, spray a little bit of it to the tip of the thread that you will use and it will be hardened. Then it will be easy to get the thread into the tiniest needle hole.

Some Useful Tricks that You Should Know!

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