So Much in Mind

I have so many things to do that I eagerly, impatiently, want to do. But because of some things, I need to put it all off. *sobbed* 

After learning about 4 Jung's types of human behaviors, I guess I'm the persona type, currently. It is not like I do my best to show the goodness (by helping others, making such a goodie image, or whatevs). It is actually I feel sad with the situation. And to overcome the unknown sadness, I choose to personate myself into the one following society's demand. Fit in and blend in. Faking smile and that's it. Lastly, I need to patiently wait for this is to end by faking smiles and pretending that everything is okay, while actually it is far than okay. I always think that maybe we expect too much towards people. Or maybe reality is really a hard pill to swallow. When you think you are doing the right thing, society will judge it oppositely. It will always like this until sometimes you think you lose yourself in being your own self. Sadly it always ends up you are imitating the demands created unfairly by society. Isn't it too ironic? You are powerless in anything, including in being 'you'.

You turn into flesh and bones with nothing in between.

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