Perfect Colors for Teenage Bedrooms

My first post would be a little information about teenagers’ bedroom colors. You surely understand that the colors of a room greatly affect the inhabitants. There is no exception for teenagers, like me. Lol. But sometimes it is hard when it comes to pick one color. Only one color as the dominant one, then everything will follow, right? So what do you think the best way to find perfect colors for teenage bedrooms

Well, I have the answer. Here are some tips to pick the most perfect colors for teenage bedrooms.

For the very first time, you should describe what kind of a girl you are. Then you can decide the proper style for the decoration. Here are the three personalities of me; drama queen, funky, and sweet.
Drama Queen Bedroom Style

Don’t take it literally or I will have bad image because of this posting. But yeah, sometimes we can be so pathetic and dramatic in smug cocky kind of ways. But forget about the personality. We are here to talk about the decoration. So to get this drama queen look in your bedroom, you can mix black, white, green and pink hues in order to create a bedroom worthy of even the biggest teen drama queen. Those are some perfect colors for teenage bedrooms with Drama Queen bedroom style. Am I saying it too much? Lol. Add more pearly white walls, glossy black trim and dark jade-green carpet to provide you an elegant background for the design. Take a look some pictures here. You can see the very special headboards. They look so dramatically pretty, right?

Perfect Colors for Teenage Bedrooms

To make it look dramatic, you can’t leave black and other deep colors. Combine it with their contrast colors to make it more snobbishly dramatic. A subtle sparkle will add more drama to teenage bedrooms. 

Perfect Colors for Teenage Bedrooms

Funky Style Bedroom

Ever feeling funky in your life? Why don’t you use the opportunity to decorate and represent it into bedroom decoration? Any teenager in the world has ever felt the funkiest days of their life. Start picking funky blue hues to create a stylish bedroom for any teenager, guy or girl. Pick navy blue carpet, white walls and aqua blue trim. They will provide you a simple background for the bedroom theme. The most perfect colors for teenage bedrooms style with funky personalities are baby blue, navy blue, grass green and lemon yellow.

Perfect Colors for Teenage Bedrooms
Perfect Colors for Teenage Bedrooms
Perfect Colors for Teenage Bedrooms
You can see that I am into funky personality, what do you think? ;) I love my bedroom to be colorful.

Sweet Bedroom Style

This is probably not really into my personality on daily basis. But keep going, I will explain how to pick the most perfect colors for teenage bedrooms. You can combine mix warm woods with crisp metal to create a teen’s bedroom with a sweet contemporary style. Pick honey-oak floors, honey-oak trim and flat white walls to provide you a crisp background for your bedroom. Use metal furnishings to get cleaner look. 

Perfect Colors for Teenage Bedrooms

What do you think? Those are only some perfect colors for teenage bedrooms that you can follow. Surely it is free for you to explore your creativity with mentioning some colors to the room.

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