Busy Days!

Since the end of January up until now, I have been busied myself with... sleeping! No, just kidding. I was busy with college stuff, yearbook organizer and apparently I would get a new job this February. And how about my thesis?????? Feel like screaming, yet I'm loving it, for being as busy as bees. ;) 

Let's skip the baloney and move on to the fact that I am now falling in love (again). Hooray to that! I always think the notion of falling in love is beautiful. I love my own self when I fall in love. I am more optimistic, pumped up with the fiery love and stuff. Thus, it makes me a better person. I really don't care about unrequited love, but the point is, I am enjoying every second of myself being madly in love with a man. And this man is just lovely. He is like the cream in my coffee. He is the straw to my berry. He is the apple to my pie. lol 

Maybe it is because of a big number of times I experience unrequited love, so for now I really don't think it would bother me, well I am sure it would bother me, but like any other times, I will get used to it and pass it well, without ruining my own self. Yeah, I know about myself better than anyone else. 

“You feel uplifted when fall in love.” 
― Toba BetaMaster of Stupidity

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