
Showing posts from December, 2016

What a Way to Spend New Year's Eve...

Living in digital world these days would be more meaningful if you can create such movement From creating apps to make one's life better like (go check the link to find that a LOT of people are indeed in need of some help). So I would like to shout out to some people out there who refuse the waves of digital world. Seriously, you can start doing something that would matter the world to other people. Why is that so hard to understand? Don't focus on the negativity it would bring. There is always 2 sides of EVERYTHING. What matter the most is how you react to it. So, enough the preamble. Last night was quite fun and different from any other new year's eves. I have been recruited to Creative Division of Bebas Sampah Movement . I volunteer myself as a graphic designer. It's been ages! Whoa!  And last night, the Media and Public Figure divisions also volunteered to clean the New Year's Eve venue. We brought a giant plastic bag and threw any in

Very Short Story #1

"Aku nggak pernah tau kapan kita bisa barengan lagi kaya dulu...," ungkapnya saat itu. Saat kita berdua sudah terlalu jauh terpisah oleh palung terdalam yang tidak mungkin bisa diselami. "Tapi aku akan selalu ingat saat-saat kita barengan, Ndri..." sambungnya lagi, di saat gue masih sulit menerima gambaran diri ini terbangun tanpa pesan teks dari dia lagi, tanpa gesturenya yang khas, tanpa baunya yang sudah terlalu familiar di hidung gue, dan tanpa bewoknya yang sekarang tercukur rapih tanpa sisa. Seakan ada hal baru di dalam dirinya, yang pastinya nggak ada hubungannya sama sekali dengan gue. 'Semudah itu memutuskan cukur jenggot sampai kumis ketika dulu gue sempat susah payah nyuruh lo ngelakuin hal yang sama untuk interview penting lo? Sehebat apa sih dia?' hati kecil ini susah untuk nggak monolog, terutama di saat gue membutuhkan support moral. Bukannya menanggapi pengakuannya, gue memutuskan untuk seruput iced coffee yang sudah encer, berca